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City Chic Collection - Autumn 2022

City Chic Collection - Autumn 2022

City Chic, my favourite one so far! My inspiration for this collection was originally from TikTok. I’ve been obsessed with the clean girl aesthetic for a while so I wanted to do something similar/along the same lines. There is such a craze over things being aesthetically pleasing these days so I thought it would be fun to try and do It myself. I knew that the colours already spoke for themselves so it wouldn’t be hard! I got inspiration from influencers- I liked the whole outfit pic, coffee shop, out for lunch vibe.

I thought the perfect place to do it would be down in London as there’s a lot of nice buildings, restaurants etc that would be perfect for the shoot. I had so much fun shooting with the other ambassadors, I can't thank them enough for being the best models (@byeleanorohara @shadesofshea_ @chloefaynails). I’m so happy with the way it turned out although I take my hat off to influencers because it is definitely a lot harder than it looks!


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